Link Enterprise

Link Enterprise


The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: October, 2014

The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: January, 2013

The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: February, 2012

The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: June, 2011

The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: March, 2011

The American Council of Co-Education Meeting: October, 2010

Spring, 2014

Dr. Amanda Rose, University of Missouri

Spring, 2013

Drs. Michael Levine and Lori Takeuchi, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

Dr. Dorothy Espelage, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Melanie Killen and graduate student, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, University of Maryland

Dr. Philip Rodkin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Fall, 2012

Drs. Tina Pastorelli and Paula Luengo University of Rome

Graduate students, Barbara Pagliuca, Michela Miloni, and Antonio Zuffiano, University of Rome, and Ben Hine, University of London.

Summer, 2012

Dr. Diane Ruble, New York University, and Dr. May Ling Halim, California State University, Long Beach

Spring, 2012

Undergraduate students, Daphne van Doornspeek and Joline Geervliet Radboud University, Netherlands

Graduate student, Stefania Sette, University of Rome

Fall, 2011

Graduate students, Antonio Zuffiano, Stefania Sette, Corinna Gasparini, University of Rome

Fall, 2010

Dr. Lynn Liben, Pennsylvania State University

Graduate student, Paula Luengo, University of Rome

Spring, 2010

Dr. John Gottman, Relationship Research Institute

Dr. Anthony Pellegrini, University of Minnesota

Dr. Philip Rodkin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Diane Ruble, New York University

Fall, 2009

Dr. Andrew Christiansen, University of California, Los Angeles

Drs. Jess Alberts, Sarah Tracy, Angela Trethewey, and Amy Way, Arizona State University, Hugh Downs School of Communications

Summer, 2009

Journalist, Peggy Orenstein, June 25, 2009

Spring, 2009

Dr. Marion Underwood, University of Texas, Dallas

Fall, 2008

Dr. Rebecca Bigler, University of Texas, Austin

Dr. Robert Cialdini, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Dr. Tom Dishion, University of Oregon

Andrew Levack and Christine Riccardo, Promundo

Dr. Todd Pittinsky, Harvard University

Drs. Lisa Serbin, Concordia University, and Campbell Leaper, University of California, Santa Cruz