Romance and Dating in Later Life
The Romance and Dating in Later Life project explores views and experiences of dating, romance, and sex through interviews and focus group discussions with single and recently-partnered adults aged 55+ in Arizona.
Our study is focused on understanding what dating and romance looks like in this stage of life - for example, how older adults look for partners, what those dating experiences are like, what kinds of factors older adults consider when they enter into relationships, and why older adults might choose to remain single. Among those who are in romantic relationships that began later in life, we are interested in understanding how you found a partner, what kind of relationship and partner you were seeking, how you experience your relationship, etc.
Interviews and focus groups were conducted from October 2022 through June 2023 and data collection is now complete. The research team is currently working on producing a report of key findings that will be shared with participants and interested community members, and will be posted to this website. In addition, members of the research team are preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals.
Cotton, C. & A. Zamora Castro. 2024. “The elephant in the room? Considerations of Politics among Older Adult Daters.” Sociological Forum, online ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1111/socf.13032
If you are interested in learning about our results, please contact Dr. Cotton & Dr. Iida at Couples.Lab@asu.edu or 602-688-2223