Families Preparing the New Generation

Families Preparing the New Generation

Families Preparing the New Generation/Familias Preparando la Nueva Generación (FPNG) is a parenting intervention program developed by SIRC in partnership with parents and schools.  FPNG was designed as a complimentary intervention to keepin’it REAL (kiR), a culturally grounded school-based substance use prevention intervention for middle school-aged students. The study tested if adding a parenting intervention would strengthen or boost the effects of the already efficacious kiR.  The design and evaluation of the original intervention took place in 2007-2011 through an efficacy trial.  The intervention was found to be efficacious; children whose parents participated in FPNG benefited the most from participating in kiR.

Funding source: National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, Center Grant Award P20 MD002316 NIMHD (2012-2017)

To learn more about the Families Preparing the New Generation project, visit https://sirc.asu.edu/content/families-preparing-new-generation-effectiveness-trial


Ayón, C., Baldwin, A., Umaña-Taylor, A.J., Marsiglia, F.F., & Harthun, M. (in press). Agarra el momento/seize the moment: Developing communication activities for a drug prevention intervention with and for Latino families in the US Southwest. Qualitative Social Work. doi:10.1177/1473325014566487

This article presents the development of parent–child communication activities by applying Community-Based Participatory Research and focus group methodology. Three parent–child communication activities were developed to enhance an already efficacious parenting intervention: (1) agarra el momento or seize the moment uses everyday situations to initiate conversations about substance use, (2) hay que adelantarnos or better sooner than later stresses being proactive about addressing critical issues with youth, and (3) setting rules and expectations engages parents in establishing rules and expectations for healthy and effective conversations with youth. Focus group data are presented to illustrate how thematic content from the focus groups was used to inform the development of the activities and, furthermore, how such methods supported the development of a culturally grounded intervention.