School of Social and Family Dynamics Graduate Student Association (GSA)
Pursuing an advanced degree in the Sanford School means more than expert training in your field. We offer tools to help you shape your journey. Get support from other graduate students just like you!
The School of Social and Family Dynamics Graduate Association serves as the graduate student voice for our department. The Officers and Committee Chairs work together throughout the year to organize events, such as happy hours and socials, brownbag talks, and recruitment. Meetings are held monthly.
2023-2024 Academic Year Officers
Amina Melendez-Mayfield, apmelend@asu.edu
Vice President
Angelica Lopez, alope277@asu.edu
Daniela Carreon, dacarreo@asu.edu
Family and Human Development
Briana Abarca
Email: bnabarca@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress: First-year student
Degrees: B.A. in Psychology, University of California, Riverside; M.A. in Experimental Psychology, California State University, Fullerton
Hometown: Hacienda Heights, CA
Interests: Adolescent development; emotional functioning and academic achievement; household size and structure; cultural factors and contexts
Advisor: Dr. Rebecca White
Clarissa Abidog
Cohort Year: 2017
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.S. Psychology with a minor in Family Studies, Boise State University, Boise, ID
Hometown: Stockton, CA
Interests: Multiracial and Black/African American identity development; racial socialization in minority families; psychological well-being and academic achievement outcomes.
Advisor: Eleanor Seaton
McKay Boyack
Email: mboyack@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress: 4th Year
Degrees: B.S. in Family Studies from Brigham Young University
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Research Interests: Social network analysis, quantitative methodology
Advisor: Dawn DeLay
Karina Cahill
Cohort Year: 2016
Progress: Post-Masters
Degrees: M.S. and B.S. Family and Human Development, Arizona State University
Hometown: Yuma, AZ
Interests: Contextual factors; positive development for Latino youth; academic outcomes and achievement.
Advisor: Kimberly Updegraff
Jenny Chang Zhao
Cohort Year: 2018
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.A. Psychology & B.A. Labor and Employment Relations, Pennsylvania State University
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Interests: How youth is influenced by the contexts in which they are embedded, particularly focusing on how family, neighborhood, and cultural factors might shape Latino adolescent's emotional, psycho-social and behavioral well-being.
Advisor: Rebecca M.B. White
Stephanie Cottam
Email: scottam1@asu.edu
Year: 2nd year
Degrees: Family and Human Development - Masters in progress, accepted into PhD program at ASU Tempe, Arizona
Interest: Mindfulness in parenting, mindfulness in schools, building school and family partnerships
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Paul Espinoza
Email: paul.espinoza@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2021
Progress (i.e. second year): Third Year
Degrees: B.S. in Sociology
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Interests: Stats, hiking, horror movies, and travel!
Advisor: Justin Jager
Abigail Gabriel
Cohort Year: 2017
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.S. Psychology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Hometown: Santa Clara, CA, USA
Areas of Interest: Multiracial and Asian-American identity development; identity integration theory; ethnic/racial socialization; risk and resilience factors in minority populations; critical race and intersectional perspectives
Advisor: Brandon Yoo
Annie Gallagher
Cohort Year: 2014
Progress: ABD
Degrees: M.S. Family and Human Development, ASU, Tempe; B.S. Human Development and Family Studies, PSU, State College
Hometown: Wallingford, PA
Research Interests: Adolescent Development; Sibling Relationships and Family Processes; Etiology of Aggression; Measurement and Statistical Analyses; Applied Research.
Advisor: Kimberly Updegraff
Aubrey Linn Hoffer
Cohort Year: 2018
Progress: 6th Year
Degrees: M.A., Family and Human Development, PhD. pending
Hometown: Chandler, AZ
Interests: Body Image
Advisor: Dawn Delay
Juyoung Kim
Email: jkim@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2019
Progress: Post-Masters
Degrees: M.A. in Child Development, Ewha Womans University; B.S. in Psychology, University of Georgia
Hometown: Seoul, Korea
Interests: children's cognitive development in social context; executive function; theory of mind; memory; peer relationship; cultural effects
Advisor: Monica Tsethlikai
Laura Means Malouf
Email: lmalouf@asu.edu
Degrees: M.S. Psychology
Interests: Asian American racial identity, racism, interracial solidarity, critical consciousness
Advisor: Laura D. Hanish, PhD
Ronae Matriano
Email: rmatrian@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2019
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.S. in Biological Sciences (Genetics, Cell & Developmental Biology), B.A. in Asian Pacific American Studies, and Minor in Communication
Hometown: Avondale, AZ
Interests: Asian American racial identity, racism, interracial solidarity, critical consciousness
Advisor: Brandon Yoo
Rachael Perez
Email: rkperez1@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2021
Haining Ren
Email: hren29@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2022
Progress: Second year in Family and Human Development Program
Degrees: M.S. Psychology, Beijing Normal University; B.S. Psychology, Beijing Normal University
Hometown: Chongqing, China
Interests: Child aggressive behaviors, power dynamics in peer relationships
Advisor: Dr. Laura Hanish
Ariana Ruof
Email: akruof@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2018
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.S. in Psychology, B.S. in Family and Human Development
Hometown: Queen Creek, AZ
Interests: Genetic and environmental contributions to children's development of self-regulation
Advisor: Carlos Valiente
Daniel Jose Sanchez
Email: dsanch38@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress: 1st Year
Degrees: Bachelor and Master of Arts (both from the University of Northern Colorado), Master of Public Administration (from Arizona State University)
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Interests: Low-income Latinx families and the roles sibling relationships have in child development in youth through teen years. Latinx families. Gender. Culture. Feminism. Non academic; Reading, Walking my Dog, Calvin, Running/Walking, Going to the Movies, Cooking, Listening to Music/Podcasts, Traveling
Advisor: Dr. Kimberly Updegraff, Ph.D.
Stephanie Thibault
Email: sthibaul@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2019
Progress: Post-Masters
Degrees: B.A. in Psychology from Framingham State University & M.S. in Psychology from Arizona State University
Hometown: Natick, MA
Interests: Peer relationships, peer victimization, & bully perpetration
Advisor: Becky Ladd
Lillian Ramirez Vasquez
Email: lramir45@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress: First year
Degrees: BS in Psychology and Family and Human Development and pursuing my PhD in Family and Human Development
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Interests: I enjoy cooking/baking, being a plant mom, and watching movies!
Advisor: Dr. Tracy Spinrad
Claudia Vega
Email: cavega3@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2019
Progress: Pre-Masters
Degrees: B.A. in Psychology and Sociology (Certificate: Women's and Gender Studies), Florida International University
Hometown: Miami, FL
Research Interests: Family and social context; well-being of Latino/a/x youth and families; intersections of cultural stressors, strengths, adolescent development, and family dynamics on adjustment.
Advisor: Rebecca White
Bobbi Woods
Cohort Year: 2016
Progress: Post-Masters
Degrees: M.S. in Family and Human Development and B.S. in Psychology, Arizona State University
Hometown: Chandler, AZ
Interests: Predictors of interest and success in engineering in elementary school students; implementation/evaluation of engineering-based interventions that aim to increase STEM interst and success in a diverse population of students.
Advisor: Cindy Miller
Kenton Woods
Cohort Year: 2016
Progress: Working on dissertation
Degrees: Family and Human Development (BS), Arizona State University. Psychology (BA), Arizona State University
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Interests: Academic tracking and how it impacts student academic outcomes and peer relationships in middle and high school.
Advisor: Dr. Laura Hanish
Xiaoye Xu
Cohort Year: 2017
Progress: Passed comprehensive exams
Degrees: M.A. Social Psychology, San Francisco State University, CA; B.A. Psychology, Smith College, MA
Hometown: Beijing, China
Interests: Parent-child interaction, Parents' genetic influence on parental behavior, Children's emotion regulation and prosocial behavior; Cultural influence on children's socioemotional development
Advisor: Tracy Spinrad
Daniela Carreon
Email: dacarreo@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2022
Progress (i.e. second year): second year
Degrees: BA in Social Sciences and Ethnic Studies, MA in Sociological Practice
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Interests: Coffee Shops, Astrology, Adventure
Advisor: N/A
Marcus Donaldson
Email: mrdonal1@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress (i.e. second year): First Year
Degrees: B.S., Criminal Justice and Criminology (Metropolitan State University of Denver), M.S., Justice Studies (Arizona State University)
Hometown: Coventry, England
Interests: Justice and Equity in Sport, Community and Black Empowerment, Police Violence, Social Media, Racial Equity
Advisor: Dr. Scott Brooks
Debbie Erickson
Email: dperick1@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress (i.e. second year): First year
Degrees: B.S. in Sociology, Brigham Young University; M.A. in Sociology, Arizona State University
Hometown: Glendale, AZ
Interests: Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies; Inequalities and Stratification; Intersectionality; Latinx Studies; Media and Popular Culture
Advisor: Nathan Martin
Annie Ferguson
Email: annie.ferguson@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress (i.e. second year): 4th Year
Degrees: BA, Environmental Policy & Planning, Western Washington University, 2006; MS/MCRP Sustainable Agriculture and Community & Regional Planning, Iowa State University, 2012
Hometown: Bozeman, Montana
Interests: hiking, eating good food, dancing
Advisor: Monica McDermott
Stacey M. Flores
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress: Post-Masters
Degrees: M.Ed. Counseling, Northern Arizona University, AZ; M.Ed. Higher and Postsecondary Education, Arizona State University, AZ; B.A. English, minor Journalism, Delta State University, MS
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Research Interests: Intersection of sport and race; athlete experience; sport psychology; sport sociology; girls and women in sports.
Advisor: Dr. Scott Brooks
Kyle Gresenz
Email: kgresenz@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress: 4th Year
Degrees: Master of Public Heath (MPH) in Health Services Administration, University of Arizona; BA in Human Communication, Arizona State University
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Interests: My research interests focus on intersections of rural geography, queer identity, and healthcare in the United States. I am specifically interested in understanding quantitative measures of healthcare access, healthcare utilization, healthcare barriers, and healthcare disparities for rural queer people relative to urban queer people and rural non-queer people. Other interests include intervention science and community-based participatory research.
Advisor: Stephen Kulis
Annie Heuscher
Email: aheusche@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress: Post-Master's
Degrees: BA, Environmental Planning & Policy, Western Washington University (2005); MA, Sustainable Agriculture & MCRP, Community & Regional Planning, Iowa State University (2012)
Hometown: Bozeman, MT
Research Interests: Critical race studies, critical whiteness theory, anti-racism, social psychology
Sione Lynn PIli Lister
Email: sionelister@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress (i.e. second year): 3rd Year
Degrees: B.A. in Sociology from University of Washington, M.A. in Sociology from University of Arizona.
Hometown: Bellevue, WA
Interests: I am interested in how race and colonialism structure the ways we view ourselves, how we are in community with one another, and the versions of the world we imagine are possible.
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Carlson
Angelica Lopez
Email: alope277@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2021
Amina Melendez-Mayfield
Email: apmelend@asu.edu
Cohort year: 2022
Progress: Second year
Degrees: B.S. Sociology: Criminal Justice, Minor(s) American Sign Language & Psychology; Central Michigan University, M.A. Justice Studies; Arizona State University
Hometown: Gurnee, IL
Interest: Queer studies, Intersectionality, Race and Inequalities, Higher Education, Whiteness, Critical Race Theory, Black Geography
Advisor: Dr. Monica McDermott
Rowan "Ro" Greywolf Moore
Email: rowan.moore@asu.edu or rdmoore8@asu.edu (whichever they want to use)
Cohort Year: 2022
Progress (i.e. second year): 2nd year
Degrees: M.A. in Sociology (New Mexico State University, 2022); B.A. in Political Science (University of Louisville, 2020); B.A. in Psychology (University of Louisville, 2014)
Hometown: Louisville, KY / Paha-Sapa
Interests: Indigenous sociology; critical theory; critical methods
Advisor: Nilda Flores-Gonzalez
Roberto Ortega
Email: rorteg24@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress (i.e. second year): 1st year
Degrees: B.A. in Chicana/o/x Studies with Sociology minor, M.A. in Sociological Practice
Hometown: Escondido, CA
Interests: Education, school-to-prison pipeline, deviance, policing, Latinx sociology
Advisor: Dr. Anthony Peguero
Henry Pennerman
Hometown: I was born in Vallejo, California; but spent most of my life down in Chula Vista, California.
Degrees: I completed my Bachelor’s (2008) and Master’s (2015) in Sociology at California State University, San Marcos.
Cohort year: 2023
Interests: Family formations, Relationship dynamics, and masculinity conceptualization & transmission in the Black community. My non-academic interests include almost anything sci-fi, arthouse movies, audiobooks, video games, and trying to exercise.
Advisor: Dr. Cassandra Cotton
Sarai Richter
Email: sarai.richter@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2023
Progress (i.e. second year): First Year
Degrees: Bachelorette - Anthropology University of Michigan, Bachelorette - Political Science and Certificate in Conflict and Religion, Master's - Human Rights and Social Justice.
Hometown: Michigan
Interests: Feminist theory, Transnational Feminist Solidarity, Mutual Aid, Decolonization, Dis-Enchantment of Aid, Nonprofit Industrial Complex, Southeast Asia, Cambodia.
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Le
Jean Abigail (Abby) Saavedra
Email: abbysaavedra@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress: 4th Year
Degrees: M.S. in Clinical Psychology; B.S. in Psychology (Biology emphasis) and Human Development
Hometown: Tracy, CA
Interests: The psychology of Ethnic Studies education, critical consciousness and sociopolitical development, familial and school racial socialization, Asian American racial identity
Advisor: Dr. Hyung Chol (Brandon) Yoo
Daniel Tei
Email: dtei1@asu.edu
Cohort year: 3rd year
Degrees: M.S. Applied Criminology, Northern Arizona University; B.A. Social Sciences (Sociology & Economics), University of Cape Coast
Hometown: Somanya, Ghana.
Interest: Immigration, law and society.
Advisors: Anthony Peguero and Leslie Paik
Aaron Thompson
Email: aathomp1@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2022
Progress: Second year
Degrees: 2007 B.A.: Journalism and Media Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2022: M.A.: Sociology, Arizona State University
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Interests: Sociotechnical System, Institutional Trust, Decision Making, Political Engagement, Deviance
Advisor: Nilda Flores-Gonzales
Arianna Quetzal Vargas
Email: aqvargas@asu.edu
Cohort Year: 2020
Progress (i.e. second year): Third Year
Degrees: B.S Health Education; B.A. Latina/o Studies; Minor in Education; M.A. Ethnic Studies
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Interests: Watching sports my teams are the Golden State Warriors, Giants, 49rs and Raiders
Advisor: Rocío Garcia
Previous Students
2022 Graduates
Brittney Alexander, Advisor: Richard Fabes
Brandon Clifford, Advisor: Natalie Eggum
Khaerannisa Cortes, Advisor: Becky Ladd and Gary Ladd
Jayley Janssen, Advisor: Eleanor Seaton, Tracy Spinrad, Richard Fabes
Diana L. Jenkins, Advisor: Carol Martin
Yen-Lin Lee, Advisor: Dawn DeLay and Richard Fabes
Longfeng Li, Advisor: Carlos Valiente
Jamie Theresa Lopez, Advisor: Tracy Spinrad
Ana Maria Melenez Guevara, Advisor: Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Kamryn Morris, Advisor: Eleanor Seaton and Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Sarah Parks, Advisor: Brandon Yoo
Daye Son, Advisor: Kimberly Updegraff
Stephan Scrofani, Advisor: Carol Martin
Jingyi Xu, Advisor: Natalie Eggum
2021 Graduates
Stefanie Fuentes, Advisor: Adriana Umana-Taylor
Ashley Fraser, Advisor: Tracy Spinrad
Matthew Nielson, Advisor: Carol Martin
2020 Graduates
Annabelle Lin Atkin, Advisor: Brandon Yoo
Rachel Cook, Advisor: Natalie Wilkens
Diana Gal-Szabo, Advisor: Tracy Spinrad
Chanler Hilley, Advisor: Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Kevin Korous, Advisor: José M. Causadias
Matthew Nielson, Advisor: Carol Martin
Michelle Pasco, Advisor: Rebecca M. B. White
Shannon Rupp, Advisor: Steve Elliott
Sonya Xinyue Xiao, Advisors: Tracy Spinrad, Carol Martin
2019 Graduates
M. Dalal Safa, Advisor: Rebecca M.B. White
Lauren van Huisstede, Advisor: Keith Crnic
Danielle Seay, Advisor: Adriana Umaña-Taylor
Danming An, Advisor: Natalie Wilkens
2018 Graduates
Rebecca Berger, Advisor: Carlos Valiente
Larissa Gaias, Advisor: Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Ray Reichenberg, Advisor: Roy Levy
2017 Graduates
Casey Sechler, Advisor: Gary Ladd
2016 Graduates
Naomi Andrews, Advisor: Laura Hanish
Diamond Bravo, Advisor: Adriana Umaña-Taylor
Katherine (Kat) Cheng, Advisor: Jenefer Husman
Dawn England, Advisor: Carol Martin
Idean Ettekal, Advisor: Gary Ladd
Flora Farago, Advisor: Beth Swadener
Ryan Field, Advisor:Carol Martin
Kristen Granger, Advisor: Laura Hanish
Amy Pennar, Advisor: Bob Bradley
Franklin Poulsen, Advisor: F. Scott Christopher
Krista Puruhito, Advisor: Jenefer Husman
Adam Rogers, Advisor: Kimberly Updegraff
Samantha Sang, Advisor: Kimberly Updegraff
Linlin Zhang, Advisor: Natalie Wilkens
2015 Graduates
Crystal Bryce, Advisor: Robert Bradley
Laura Clary, Advisor: Becky Ladd
Erin Gaskin, Advisor: Sandra Simpkins
Shawna Petersen, Advisor: Richard Fabes
Chara Price, Advisor: Sandra Simpkins
2014 Graduates
Priscilla M. Goble, Advisors: Laura Hanish and Carol Martin
Elizabeth Harvey-Mendoza, Advisor: Adriana Umaña-Taylor
Danyel Vargas Moosmann, Advisor: Mark Roosa